I am a long term 'shade tree' mechanic, but fledgling 1984 and 1985 300D Turbo Diesel mechanic, having so totally burned out on the complexity and expense of the new computers on wheels, aka: the high-tech new cars'... But an '84 AND an '85 300D? Yes. We liked the 1984 W123 that we bought in 2011 so much we bought a 'cream puff' 1985 300D the following year that is so well taken care of that every time we drive it, it transports us back to 1985, much like in the days when the car was brand new! But, I admit that I too was a fool for a season with the 'new car techno-gadgets'. Looking back now, it was more like "Hi, my name is Steve and I bought one new car after another thinking that it would make me happy..." (a collective "Hi Steve!" from all the other idiots... ha*) I really got addicted to the false joy and drug-like high of NCP (New Car Purchases) as long as they were under warranty, but a day after the warranty expired? Oh my... What a let down! $800 to have a 'steering sensor' replaced on a low mileage a VW so-called Beetle! This began to be sheer, mindless lunacy! The point I am making is, working on the two 300D's is not only enjoyable now (most of the time!), but is also affordable, now that I found Mercedes Source. Previously, I had purchased 300D parts here and there over the Internet from the Big Guys Stores and too often got good and burned for my efforts. I finally found PURCHASING PEACE by always turning to Kent Burgsma and his advice and his inspected and approved parts. I know that if Kent recommends a part, or the way to go about the care of our cars, and especially if he carries the part himself, I'm know I am in good hands. And yes, it's true: We certainly get what we pay for... Mercedes Source might be a little more expensive here and there, but Man Is It Worth It!!! All in all and at the end of the day, I just want to say a big THANK YOU to Kent and his 'Crew' for being there for us! You have helped Jump-Start my enjoyment and satisfaction that I get out of servicing and maintaining my own cars again...
Mercedes Source Rocks!
Signed: Steve & Alice Walls, White City, Oregon