You will receive two specialty drill bits and a modified star socket, along with very detailed video instructions on how to use these tools to remove a damaged head hex bolt without damaging the door frame or the old striker. This is a must-have if you are planning to replace one or more door strikers on your W123, W126, or 560SL. Even if you just want to make adjustments to the door closing, you have to loosen the four bolts - and that's when trouble will jump up and bite you. But have no fear - you CAN get them out.

Product Details
Keep in mind that you will need new bolts because the old bolt cannot be salvaged once it is damaged. We have both original bolts (at least for now) and Kent's Torx head upgrade bolts that you can purchase separately.
This is what a damaged head looks like once the hex wrench spins in the head of the bolt.