Electrical Diesel Engine Glow Plug Timer Relay Failure - Options for Repair Here is an option to replace the pre-glow factory unit with a reliable manual controlled relay
Electrical Troubleshooting an Electrical Problem Unknown battery drain, electrical shorts, blown fuses - these can be difficult to isolate!
Electrical Weak U.S. Round or Square Headlights on 1985 and Older Models Installing H4 headlight upgrades will make a difference between night and day
Electrical Rear Door Power Window Failure Do proper testing BEFORE ordering parts or removing door panel
Electrical Key Not Springing Back From the Start Position This is a sure sign your electrical switch is going bad
Electrical Removing the Buzzer Switch From an Ignition Lock Assembly Not as easy as it looks and easy to break if you don't know the proper tricks
Electrical Fixing or Replacing a Broken Hirschmann Power Antenna Originals are hard to fix and not available new - Universal new antenna may be best option
Electrical Inaccurate or Erratic Fuel Gauge This could be caused by one or even a combination of three things.
Electrical Service Requirements for Power Antennas Yes, they do need service if you want them to last.
Electrical OM 636 Diesel Engine Slow Starts Tired of it taking sooooo long to heat up your glow plugs
Electrical What Could Go Wrong When Changing an Ignition Switch or Steering Lock?? If the wiring plug falls apart on you, you won't know what coded wires go where!!!
Electrical Removing a W123 Fuse Box Cover Talk about a Chinese jig saw puzzle. Kent can show you the trick
Electrical Ignition Switch Wire Plug Comes Apart Accidentally You will need a wire schematic to figure out which wires go into which holes
Electrical Best Way to Fix a Non-Working Odometer or Speedometer Kent recommends just sending it out for professional repair
Electrical Engine Won't Turn Over When It Sits Overnight Do not assume it is just a bad battery! Diagnose first...
Electrical Problems with Glow override Solenoid Relay Installation - How to Test Kent will show you some quick checks to test operation
Electrical Frequent Glow Plug Failure If you are constantly having to replace glow plugs do not immediately blame the plugs! Ream the carbon!
Electrical Replacing a Badly Burned Wiring Harness Don't let anyone kid you... this is not an easy job!
Electrical Testing Diesel Engine Glow Plugs for Proper Operation Burned out glow plugs, bad pre glow relay, blown fuse, wiring - all need to be tested
Electrical My New Power Antenna is Not Working It just may not be wired properly. Most likely it is NOT the antenna.
Electrical Battery Staying Charged During Prolonged Vehicle Storage You have a couple options to keep the battery alive!
Electrical Charging a Totally Dead Battery Some chargers won't start the charge cycle without some help
Electrical Premature Glow Plug Failure If it is happening on a regular basis it probably is not bad glow plugs
Electrical Removing a Tumbler from a Steering Lock if the Key Won't Turn It is possible to do this but you have to cut the black cap off first.
Electrical Knowing How to Use the Cruise Control Lever on Older Mercedes We share with you the factory instructions for most models from the late 1970's to late 1980's
Electrical Buffing and Sanding in Tight Places This is one of Kent’s favorite tools to have around the shop
Electrical How to Open up and Clean Old Electrical Plugs Corrosion on the contacts can cause all kinds of electrical problems
Electrical Lost 116 and 123 Fuse Box Location Chart Knowing what fuse does what is a must when troubleshooting electrical problems
Electrical Cleaning Up Ugly Battery Post Corrosion You can do it with commercial products or something in the cupboard
Electrical New Tumbler Installed and Key is Stuck - HELP! We are getting too many emails like this usually after parts are bought somewhere else
Electrical Properly Maintaining an Old Car Battery Neglect is probably the No. 1 Cause of your Benz not starting
Electrical Rear Door Power Window Failure Do proper testing BEFORE ordering parts or removing door panel