Also works on 380SL and 560SL transmissions. Before you think you can easily remove the Bowden cable from the transmission, watch the video below. Replacements are not available, and if you break it, well...For the past few years, customers have been asking for the Bowden cable o-ring seal as it is no longer available from normal parts suppliers. Kent decided to take some time and source a good replacement. What he learned was he actually wanted an o-ring that was slightly bigger in diameter to provide a very tight seal on these old plastic and sometimes shrunken Bowden cable plastic housings. While working on the seal, he decided he needed to come up with a special tool to get the Bowden cable out of the transmission without damaging it, as new replacements for the OM617 diesel are not available. Watch the video below to learn the challenge and the solution.

Product Details
This is a time-consuming tool to modify and weld. The on-demand video instruction included with this tool shows how to use it to remove a bowden cable with the transmission on a bench. It may be possible to do this with the transmission in the car, but the rear of the transmission will need to be dropped down, and you will have very restricted space to work in. The instructions for using this tool are included with Kent's "pesky" transmission leak kit, available below.
Modifications in early 2024 included using a vise grip as the base tool and extending the curve to the jaws for better clearance.