Works on the following: 6 cylinder gas MFI engines 1959 to 1972, 6.3 and diesel engines 200D 220D 240D 300D 300TD 300CD and 300SD through 1985.

Product Details
This is a very special wrench for tightening and loosening injector hard line nuts at the injection pump and fuel injectors. If you are tired of struggling with a 17 mm open-end wrench you will love how this special wrench works. Requires a 1/2 inch drive extension and ratchet or breaker bar at the top for torque. PLEASE NOTE: This is not a Genuine MBZ wrench but a quality aftermarket tool that you will be very happy to own. It really reduces the frustration and stress of removing the fuel injector hard lines that use 17mm nuts. NOT TO BE USED FOR STUCK OR EXCESSIVELY OVERTORQUED INJECTOR LINE NUTS!