In this video Kent shares his secrets on how to make the inside of an old Benz look like new again. Now granted, you must have a reasonably good car to start with. He is not going to show you how to reupholster, change seats and door panels, etc. Rather, this video will show you how to use the right products and chemicals to clean the interior to impress all your family and friends. The procedures outlined covers all chassis from the mid 1950's to the mid 2000's.

Product Details
What's covered:
- What products work best
- How to use products/chemicals
- What tools work best
- Brief description on how to remove all seats
Related Repair Details NOT included: Reupholstery, recoloring or interior component replacement is not covered.
Chassis/Models Used in Production: W201 190E with palomino interior
Information applies to the Following Chassis/Models: All chassis and models from the early 1960's to present.
Total Run Time: 22:51 Minutes
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Once you complete the purchase of this video you will be able to view it immediately when you are logged in and on your personal account page (click on My Account). The video(s) will show up under My Video Manuals. The video is NOT downloadable to your computer or mobile device, but you will be able to view it anytime, from anywhere and from any device as long as you have internet access and you are logged in to your account at
Important note: This video manual may or may not include all the information you will need to troubleshoot and/or repair your specific problem/s. Please read the full description carefully to determine if this video is applicable to your year and model and contains the information you are looking for. If not, please refer back to our "Solutions Finder" and enter your chassis number and the specific problem you are having to see if we offer a solution.