Late W114 W115 Used Parts Assortment #1

For 1973 to 1976 280 240D and 300D

Just so you know, not all parts shown will fit in all years and models of the W114 and W115. There may even be some “stray parts” here that belong to other chassis. These are parts that Kent has collected over the past 25 years. Parts have not been recently tested and can not be “guaranteed.: Please study the picture or pictures carefully. What you see is what you get. No warranty and no returns. 

Late W114 W115 Used Parts Assortment #1

Product Details

This assortment of parts is priced accordingly. If you are restoring a W114 or W115, there may be some real treasure here for you. Kent pulled these parts off old cars by himself years ago, and he wants these to find a good home. USEDPARTSLOT