Would you like to find out how well your old (1959 to 1972) mechancial gasoline fuel injectors are working? Now you can do it yourself at home with our custom bench mount hand pump pressure tester and cleaning kit. These are the full instructions that come FREE with the kit. To learn more about this kit and to purchase see related products below:
Get it for Free! This is available as a free add-on item. Review the product details for bundle options.

Product Details
This video manual includes the following information:
- Assembling and mounting your new tester
- Items included in the kit
- Other things you will need
- Use of diesel fuel to do your testing
- Initial testing procedure for a old injector
- Warnings on over pressurising the gauge
- Example of how a brand new injector fires
- Cut away of the insides of a fuel injector
- Explanation of individual internal parts
- How the injector works - showing up close
- The 3 main issues why the injector may not work properly
- First step in cleaning
- Checking injectors after cleaning internal filter
- Example of poor performing injector spray pattern
- Cleaning using the pump outdoors
- Cleaning procedure demonstrated
- What to watch for when injector is thoroughly cleaned
- Cleaning the tip valve with special tool in kit
- How the valve opens and closes
- Rechecking the injector after tip cleaning
- Cleaners used
- Safety issues
- Using a special hose to minimize cleaner fumes
- What kind of success to expect
- Why the injectors wear out
- At least you will know after testing and cleaning just how good your injectors are
- Don’t buy used injectors on eBay
- The dangers of letting your engine run rich.
- Go after the injectors first - don’t assume they are ok!!!
Total Run Time: 42.52
PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase the MFI pressure tester kit this video is included FREE of charge.
In some cases you may have to replace a badly worn out injector. We carry new Bosch replacements. See related products below:
How to view this on-demand video:
Once you complete the purchase of this video you will be able to view it immediately when you are logged in and on your personal account page (click on My Account). The video(s) will show up under My Video Manuals. The video is NOT downloadable to your computer or mobile device, but you will be able to view it anytime, from anywhere and from any device as long as you have internet access and you are logged in to your account at mercedessource.com.
Important note: This video manual may or may not include all the information you will need to troubleshoot and/or repair your specific problem/s. Please read the full description carefully to determine if this video is applicable to your year and model and contains the information you are looking for. If not, please refer back to our "Solutions Finder" and enter your chassis number and the specific problem you are having to see if we offer a solution.