Does your rear end make funny noises while driving? Does the rear of your car sag in the back? Do you have excessive rear tire wear? Does the rear of your car feel like it is moving around? During heavy braking or rapid acceleration does your Mercedes want to steer right or left on its own!
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Product Details
In this on demand video Kent goes over the design of the two common rear suspensions built during the 1970's to mid 1990's. This includes the trailing arm rear suspension introduced in the 114 chassis and carried over in the 115, 107, 116, 123 and 126 chassis as well as the multi-link suspension on the 201, 124 and 129 chassis. He then goes into detail on what may be causing the above mentioned problems as well as what may have to be replaced to fix them.
This video does not cover the following: This is an overview and diagnostic video only. It does not cover any details on repairing or replacing worn or damaged rear suspension components. Please see related products for further help.
Total run time: 18:42
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Important note: This video manual may or may not include all the information you will need to troubleshoot and/or repair your specific problem/s. Please read the full description carefully to determine if this video is applicable to your year and model and contains the information you are looking for. If not, please refer back to our "Solutions Finder" and enter your chassis number and the specific problem you are having to see if we offer a solution.