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1/4 Inch Drive Beam Type Super Low Torque Wrench

Very accurate for low torque settings - 0 to 9 Newton Meters or 0 - 80 inch pounds

If you are tired of "guessing" on those critical low torque settings maybe it is time to get a small torque wrench. This is the one Kent likes for super low torque settings up. It is quality made and will not cost you an arm and a leg. You can even calibrate it yourself!


Custom Made Large Angled Head Clamping Tool

Multiple uses for hose removal, assembly, and holding parts safely for cleaning and polishing.

This is one of Kent's favorite tools around his shop. It is used almost daily. The tool rose out of a need to be able to safely hold fuel inectors while cleaning when with a large high speed wire wheel. No tool like this is availabe so it had to be built in our shop!

Currently out of stock.

24" Measuring Machinist Straight Edge with Protective Sleeve

A must have when working on engines.

When working on automotive engines a long heavy machinist straight edge is a must. This is the best way to tell if the mating surfaces are flat and true. That includes cylinder heads, engine blocks, intake and exhaust manifolds as well as critical sealing metal to metal covers and housings. 


M112 M272 V6 M113 M273 V8 Belt Tension Release and Drive Belt Install Tool Set

Works on all V6 and V8 engines from 1998 to 2013 - That's a few million engines!

Includes a long custom bent 3/8 extension, correct socket, plastic mirror, and locking pin. You add another 3/8 extension to make the job a snap. Watch the video below for a full explanation of this tool and how it works.