as a home mechanic with no formal automotive training, I have found your services invaluable. Not only do I find all the parts I need to do my repairs on your website, but I also frequently use your easy to follow directions for each job. I found that I am not the only one who takes advantage of your kits and booklets. I run my car on recycled vegetable oil and I was at a workshop last month in Berkeley, CA on the topic. The workshop was attended by a number of professional auto mechanics, including some Mercedes-Benz mechanics with 20+ year of experience. As we were working on our cars, many of the participants had copies of your do-it-yourself manuals out as references. The mechanics were able to easily help us do-it-yourselfers by guiding us through the steps and pictures in your booklets! Thanks so much for your services.
Greg W. & Family
Seattle, WA