These transmissions are now 40+ years old, and with age comes hardened o-rings and seals, leading to what I call "pesky" leaks. They are not bad enough to flow on the ground, leaving wetness around the transmission and dripping on the garage floor. Be forewarned, it may be easier just to remove the transmission to fix these on the bench. A couple can be readily fixed with the transmission in the car. Others require dropping the transmission down, and in the case of the Bowden cable, it is an advanced DIY job to try to change the o-ring with the transmission dropped down. Watch the YouTube video below for more details. NOTE: The special tool shown in the video can be purchased separately below if you plan on removing your Bowden cable from the transmission.

Product Details
The fluid leaks covered in this kit include the following:
- The base of the transmission oil filler tube o-ring
- Bowden cable to transmission housing o-ring
- Transmission modulator o-ring
- Transmission cooler lines banjo bolt sealing rings (aluminum)
- Video instructions included use of the special bowden cable tool that can be purchased separately...
PLEASE NOTE: Front input shaft seal leaks are NOT covered here. PDF instructions are available free with the purchase of this separate leak fix kit below. If you need instructions on removing the transmission, Kent has written a detailed manual. See related products below.