Product Details
A better mouse trap??? Kent set out to do this when developing this new universal clamping plier. The original plan was to develop a better tool to remove stuck spark plug wires. That goal was met, but in the process, a few other important uses for this new tool were "found" along the way. This includes removing frozen fuel and heater hoses, holding bolts and nuts in awkward places to get them threaded by hand, removing corroded battery post clamps, installing flexible brake hoses, and maybe the best yet - getting those rubber exhaust hangers on and off without damaging them!!!
Designed and fabricated by Kent Bergsma. The grooves in the head provide a secure clamping surface. Along with the plastic insert provided, it can be the ideal tool for removing ignition wires from the spark plugs on the M102 and M103 four and five-cylinder single camshaft engines in the 190E, 260E, 300E, 300TE, 300CE, 300SE, 300SEL from 1984 to 1993. Some versions of the plug wires on these engines can be a little fragile, especially if the wires are old. Slip the plastic protector over the rubber part of the spark plug wire before clamping down on it.
SPECIAL NOTE: We modified this tool to remove and replace the Bowden cable on most 1981 to 1985 models (equipment with this cable running from the throttle linkage to the transmission. See related products below:
Check out this quick video where Kent demonstrates the many uses of the tool and why he created it in the first place: Holding Chisels, Pulling Hoses, Removing Plug Wires: One of Kent Bergsma's Favorite Tools - Part 3
Here are some samples of its many uses:
A rubber hose split protective sleeve is also included with the tool to provide extra protecting on a any part you want to "grab" that you do not watch scratched by the jaws.
In the shop, we call these pliers a grabber plier.